[Infected!] [On-Air] After the Zombie Apocalypse

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37, Männlich

Beiträge: 378

[Infected!] [On-Air] After the Zombie Apocalypse

von Nick-Nack am 29.08.2015 04:00

Heute mal eine Anfrage für Mitspieler auf Englisch:

Hi there! Wrong language? Maybe! But this is a rather odd offer:
Next week on a weekday between 10 am and 3 pm our time we will be playing an RPG in English. It is Infected, an RPG that is currently on Kickstarter, and the GM willl be the Australian designer of the game, Oliver. That, by the way, is the reason both for the unsual time as well as the unusual language.
The game will be posted on my channel and very probably will also be used as part of the Infected Kickstarter campaign.

So, what is Infected about? It's a look at the world after a zombie apocalypse, but not a world that is in total chaos. Instead civilisation has prevailed, there are even some functioning cities, and the players try to make ends meet. Player characters might be smugglers, mercenaries, or even war lords or local politicians.

I am currently looking for up to 2 additional players. It might be that the GM brings in players, too, so I can't guarantee that the spots for the game will be available for a long time. To make it as easy as possible, here's a Doodle.

Spannende Videos zu Rollen-, Gesellschafts- und Computerspielen:

Vielen Dank an Klemens Franz für den Avatar: http://www.atelier198.com/

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 29.08.2015 04:00.


28, Männlich

Beiträge: 109

Re: [Infected!] [On-Air] After the Zombie Apocalypse

von Tojo am 29.08.2015 17:13

Well, i would actually love to join the game, first of all because i love the setting and second, i haven't roleplayed in english for a few months. And that even though english was my main Roleplaying language and i started roleplaying in english ^^
(Guess the Setting: After the Outbreak)
Unfortunately, i won't have the time to join if it's during the week. Only day i could possibly offer would be thursday, even then i would be half an hours late (13:30-13:40) :/ Still, if you should ever have such an offer for the weekend or a different time, count me in.

Buuuut: Thanks for showing me this project. I have yearned for such a system for quite a while now, there were a few Zombie/Apocalypse systems but i wasn't quite content with any of them. The System looks amazing, i perfectly fits the expectations i have. The very fact that you are a person - you can be and try everything you want, no classes ect, is good enough already. I'm really looking forward to see how it works out if you're playing it, so thanks for uploading it on your channle aswell.
I'll try to back it up and am looking forward for this being released. I DM more or less everything with english material instead of german so it won't be a problem after all.

Greetings, Tojo

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37, Männlich

Beiträge: 378

Re: [Infected!] [On-Air] After the Zombie Apocalypse

von Nick-Nack am 16.09.2015 12:53

Hallo zusammen,

das Let's Play findet ihr jetzt hier:

Spannende Videos zu Rollen-, Gesellschafts- und Computerspielen:

Vielen Dank an Klemens Franz für den Avatar: http://www.atelier198.com/


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